Assalamualaikum and hey!
ya.the title memang takde kena mengena dgn apa yang nk ditulis.Biasalah, you can never find the perfect tittle for everything. *at least for me* ahah.Just get real.For me,dalam hidup ni mana ada yang perfect.One second you laughed so hard,the next thing you know,you dah in jatuh-tersadung-tersembam-kena-lumpur-campur-bau busuk kind of situation kan.Haha,it is a bit exagerating.But hey,it is me kan?
Nah,lets get to the point.I just finished my lab report for chemistry.Ahah,for the forst time i am really proud of my work.not that i did it myself.tak!i copied my friend's .*kids,don't copy my attitude* I've done many of my lab reports myself,tapi none of them make me proud like this.Nak tahu kenapa?
Report chemistry kali ni,similar with the one that i used to do in school.Yes, it brings back all the good memories of my friends and me.Sounds cliche,but that what happened.When i was drawing the diagram where kita kena kumpul gas through the water diaplacement method tu kan,i remembered all the petty things that cikgu Ismail told us.He said that,bila kita nak lukis test tube with a stopper kita kena show sebahagian of the stopper.Kalau dia kedalam sangat,stopper tu longgarlah sebab tenggelam.And lagi..macam bila kita lukis test tube yang dlam besen tu,kita mesti make sure that the delivery tube betul2 dalam air.Haha.Kalau dulu,buat endah tk endah je semua benda tu.Nasib lepas je time periksa dulu.
And then,terbayang the situation dlm kelas kimia dulu.Kalau kita buat eksperimen tu,mesti cikgu mail explain how to do it.Over and over.Sampai kalau Shahir tanya banyak kali,pastu serasa macam he'd been repeatedly told us about it baru dia naik angin sikit..Haha!And then,bila kita start buat experiment tu,kita akan amek all the apparatus and chemicals dekat atas cupboard kat tepi2 tu.Kalau distilled water takde mintaklah sendiri dekat pakcik lab tu.Paling best yang buat experiment qualitative analysis tu.Memalam datang lab buat eksperimen.haha.Apa buang tebiat dtg memalam buat eksperimen kan?tapi,tulah kitorang :)
I remembered the time when kitorang lepas maghrib tu,aku,lala,flor,athin jalan sesama pegi lab.Aku pakai baju kurung biru aku.Pastu ondeway tu,aku membebel je, tak perasanlah suara aku kuat sangat.Dekat red tunnel tu aku cakap 'haih,pakai baju lelawa ni nak buat eksperimen.kotor nanti kang' *in a joking manner ok* pastu tgok lab chemistry dah ada dah cikgu mail tunggu kat situ and the rest of the class.Aku orang first masuk.
Dengan muka selamber
aku :assalamualaikum sir
Cikgu mail :waalaikumsalam.Takdelah lawa mana pun baju tu
Oh no!sir dengar aku membebel.Malulah siott.Aku gelak sensorang je pastu.Nasib diorang tak bahan aku malam tu.
Right now,aku gelak sendiri recalling these memories.Okey, terharu bila ingat balik time raya tahun tu.Cikgu mail kasi semua orang penanda buku pastu sir tulis belakang tu.. good luck for next year,maaf zahir batin pastu he wrote 9A+.heeehh..sir,i got 7A+ sir.okey kan?
Haha.nanti2 lah cerita lagi.it is really late now.Nasib esok kuliah pukul 10.heee.Kbhai!
p/s:buat eksperimen kat pasum best sebab sensorang,tapi tak best sbb lab repot dia leceh.3 jam okey aku spent tadi.
ntahpapelah aku ni