Rasanya ni entri aku yg paling matang kot.Im here to talk bout politics. *kalau sentap sgt dgr tayah baca.HAHA!* And firstly i hereby declare that im neutral,i do not sokong the government nor the opposition.Sebab im not yet 21,which is the age yg im allowed to vote which parties that will teraju the country.
I want to express my opinion here sbb inche Justin posted something yg agak bizarre dkt grup SUPERISM tu.politics!haha! At first mmg sebolehnya i want to avoid this kind of discussion.Even in the grup SBP tu pun,i wont like any of the comments n the posts. *smpai centu sekali aku nk avoid* As from my point of view,org2 yg give comments tu somehow they got drifted away dgn their feeling.They cursed at each other when they do not see eye to eye.Well, get real dude, rambut sama hitam hati lain2.Different people give different opinion lah awak.
Kenapa perlu ada discussion?? Tak lain tak bukan untuk gain more info and pendapat..betul tak??So,bila kita discuss,accept others lah dude!
Ehh, nk cakap pasal post Justin..*dh melalut pulak*
He posted *sori aku tak pandai printscreen =,="*
just nak mintak pendapat kalian, bukan nak berpolitik la.. tapi bnde nih ade kene mengena ngan isu yang "HOT" kat Malaysia nih...dan bende nih juga masa depan negara kita sendiri...as we are the new leaders of the future..Alumni MOZAC Superism 0711
BERSIH 3.0...bukan salah kalau kita memberikan pendapat dan buah fikiran kita..
kadang2 la, benda cam nih secara tidak lansung akan memecahbelahkan rakyat kita..nak2 lagi owang bumiputera..jangan la berdemonsrtasi sampai pecahkan kereta polis, belasah polis trafik (pompuan lak tuh yang kena belasah) dan hancurkan harta benda awam...kata DEMONSTRASI SECARA AMAN!! KAMI DUDUK MEMBANTAH!!
aduh, macam mana la Malaysia nak capai Wawasan 2020..
so, as the new generation of Malaysia..what do you think about this and how we could cope this problem... (sori ek kalo benda niyh sensitif..but be open je)
Alhamdulillah, SUPERISM can really give positive feedback on this topic.Seems that
bebudak yg pakat2 ponteng prep n semua tu dh mature dah.HAHA!Well guys,mmg kita patut think pros n cons sesuatu perkara tu.Eventhough,kita ada pendapat masing2 kita tak patut kutuk-mengutuk kata yg pihak yg ikut Bersih tu sesat lah,apalah.Mmg tindakan dorang tu tak bijak sebab ikut demonstrasi tu, tp as a muslim kita patut ada sikap HUSNUSZHON.bersangka baik terhadap sesuatu.Maybe the person yg join benda2 tu tak cukup ilmu ttg apa yg berlaku.And somehow timbul isu yg mereka2 ni dibayar untuk berdemonstrasi.Well,some say itu auta semata-mata.
Sedih bila tgok dkt satu wall photo dkt fb,pihak yg dok bersih2 tu mengerjakan solat.Tapi comments yg ada semua pakat nak menjatuhkn perbuatan solat tu.
Some say like..'toksah nk bajet2 alim lah weyh sembahyang bagai' n guess what, the person who throws the comment is muslim.Is this the attitude of a muslim??
Tapi the bad side of the demo kita boleh nmpaklah kan.View dkt kl tu terabur,bersepah. Tourists pun lari weyh.Ekonomi kang tetiba semput.Ni ke yg kita nak??Haha.tepuk dada tanya org sebelah.Well,aku tertarik dgn satu entri ni.Kind of awesome jugaklah.He was there during the bersih thingy, but he is not one of them.Papepun bacalah dekat sini
Personally speaking,walaupun i try to avoid these things,i really enjoy reading the comments dkt SBP tu.It widen my knowledge tahu?HAHA!Because the hakikat is, we are the future leaders of the country.Discussion is great as long as we do not let emotion averwhelmed us.Betul kan?
Aku rasa aku dh merepek banyak.*mmg hakikat aku taleh tulis benda classified as matured kut*HAHA!Kbhai.
Ntahpapelah aku ni
bebudak yg pakat2 ponteng prep n semua tu dh mature dah.HAHA!Well guys,mmg kita patut think pros n cons sesuatu perkara tu.Eventhough,kita ada pendapat masing2 kita tak patut kutuk-mengutuk kata yg pihak yg ikut Bersih tu sesat lah,apalah.Mmg tindakan dorang tu tak bijak sebab ikut demonstrasi tu, tp as a muslim kita patut ada sikap HUSNUSZHON.bersangka baik terhadap sesuatu.Maybe the person yg join benda2 tu tak cukup ilmu ttg apa yg berlaku.And somehow timbul isu yg mereka2 ni dibayar untuk berdemonstrasi.Well,some say itu auta semata-mata.
Sedih bila tgok dkt satu wall photo dkt fb,pihak yg dok bersih2 tu mengerjakan solat.Tapi comments yg ada semua pakat nak menjatuhkn perbuatan solat tu.
Some say like..'toksah nk bajet2 alim lah weyh sembahyang bagai' n guess what, the person who throws the comment is muslim.Is this the attitude of a muslim??
Tapi the bad side of the demo kita boleh nmpaklah kan.View dkt kl tu terabur,bersepah. Tourists pun lari weyh.Ekonomi kang tetiba semput.Ni ke yg kita nak??Haha.tepuk dada tanya org sebelah.Well,aku tertarik dgn satu entri ni.Kind of awesome jugaklah.He was there during the bersih thingy, but he is not one of them.Papepun bacalah dekat sini
Personally speaking,walaupun i try to avoid these things,i really enjoy reading the comments dkt SBP tu.It widen my knowledge tahu?HAHA!Because the hakikat is, we are the future leaders of the country.Discussion is great as long as we do not let emotion averwhelmed us.Betul kan?
Aku rasa aku dh merepek banyak.*mmg hakikat aku taleh tulis benda classified as matured kut*HAHA!Kbhai.
Ntahpapelah aku ni